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10 MORE Romance Tropes Plot Template

10 MORE Romance Tropes Plot Template

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10 MORE Romance Tropes Plot Template

About the Template

Romance tropes sell books. This collection includes chapter by chapter breakdowns of ten of the most popular romance tropes. Take your books to the next level and make it so that your readers have no choice but to one-click your books.

Projected Word Count: 50,000 – 75,000

(It can easily be expanded to a higher word count by expanding example chapters into multiple scenes.)

Number of Tropes Covered: 10

Chapters per Trope: 20

Template Length: 14,800 words

Tropes Included

Dad's Best Friend
Fish Out of Water
Redemption Romance
Opposites Attract


Trope: Billionaire

Description: One character is a billionaire (almost always the MMC). The other is poor (almost always the FMC). Cinderella and Pretty Woman are great examples of this trope.

The Reader’s Primary Question: Will his money and privilege prevent them from falling in love?

NOTE – You could try to write a female billionaire, but MF readers are exponentially less likely to buy it. In MF romance, the MMC is the billionaire and the FMC is poor. Almost all readers can identify with being poor. In MM and FF romance, it won’t matter which character is the billionaire as long as the other character is poor.

Plot Outline

Chapter 1: They Meet

In this chapter, you will set up the hook for the story. You’ll introduce the main characters. The FMC is going about her day and it’s clear that she’s poor. She wishes she could have more money because she has a specific problem that can only be solved with money. (E.g. She’s driving her twenty-year-old car held together with duct tape. She’d give anything to be able to buy a new, reliable car.)

Chapter 2: The Inciting Incident

The money issue causes the FMC and MMC to meet. (E.g. He’s on his way home from the office where he oversees a billion-dollar shipping empire. She’s broken down on the side of the road.) He offers to help her solve the issue.

Chapter 3: Refusing the Call

The FMC character isn’t ready to accept his help. She’s not looking for a handout and she doesn’t want to owe him anything. She might even be suspicious that he’s trying to buy her in exchange for something else (E.g. Sex.)

Chapter 4: Turning Point 1

Something happens so that the character can’t refuse the call to action. (E.g. The FMC is late for work because her car broke down—Again. She gets fired.) She considers accepting the billionaire’s offer. She’s not sure what the catch is, but she’s desperate. What if he wants something she’s not willing to give him? (E.g. Her body.) However, her world is such a mess that she decides to accept his help.

Chapter 5: Reaction to Turning Point 1

The characters react to the realization made in Turning Point 1. She either asks the billionaire for help, or if he offers again before she can ask, then she accepts his help. (E.g. She calls the billionaire and asks if the offer is still open because she’d like to take him up on it.)

Chapter 6-7: Pinch Point 1

The billionaire steps in to help her financially. He’s hot and there has been an erotic spark between them from the moment they met. He’s intrigued by her and wants to get to know her better. However, she’s wary of his intentions. He’s also wary of her intentions because everyone wants him for his money. No one ever truly sees him or understands him. He doesn’t know if she’s going to be just like everyone else. They spend more time together and get to know each other better. (E.g. He offers to drive her to work until her car is fixed. They’re stuck in traffic, which gives them time to ask each other questions. Or, he offers her a job at his company so that he can help her out and keep an eye on her.)

Chapter 8: Realization

The characters realize that they really like each other. He steps up his game and starts lavishing her with gifts. He begins to actively pursue her. There’s no question that he wants her, and he’s used to getting what he wants. She likes him too, but she’s not quite ready to get into a relationship with him. She wonders what he could possibly see in her. What could she possibly offer him anyway? He’s a freakin’ billionaire.

Chapter 9-10: Working Together

The characters work together to solve her financial issues. He doesn’t necessarily continue to throw money at her. He might do something like offer to pay for college, give her a job at his company, etc. He’s not just giving her a handout. He’s trying to help her become financially stable. He has access to connections and resources beyond anything she could have ever imagined. But more than that, he’s considerate of her feelings. He doesn’t make her feel like less of a person just because she’s poor.

Chapters 11-20 are the exact same format as the first 10 chapters. You will receive all 20 chapters in the template.


The template will include a chapter by chapter breakdown for each trope.

Buy it now and give readers a reason to one-click your books!